Company: the Company to which these articles of association pertain;
Conversion Date: the date that the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that a Conversion Event has occurred, provided that the Conversion Date shall be no later than the date of such determination;
Conversion Event: means the occurrence of any transfer of a Class B Common Share upon the enforcement of a security interest (including, but not limited to, a right of pledge) over such Class B Common Share;
Conversion Share: a conversion share in the Company’s share capital;
Conversion Share Allocation: has the meaning given thereto in article 34.9 paragraph (b);
Convertible Class A Common Shares: the number of BDRs to which an Eligible Shareholder is entitled at ten hours Brazilian time (10:00 BRT) on the BDR Record Date (thereby disregarding any fractional BDRs);
DCC: the Dutch Civil Code;
Director: an Executive Director or a Non-Executive Director;
Eligible Shareholder: a person who is entitled to one or more BDRs at ten hours Brazilian Time (10:00 BRT) on the BDR Record Date, thereby disregarding any fractional BDRs;
Executive Director: a member of the Board appointed as executive director;
FIP: Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia Formosa - Investimento no Exterior, an investment fund under the laws of Brazil, registered with the Brazilian National Taxpayers Registry (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas) under number 26.845.679/0001-03;
Free Float Percentage: the number of Class A Common Shares held by Non-Controlling Shareholders on the thirty-first day of December two thousand twenty-six divided by the total number of Shares outstanding on such date, multiplied by one hundred percent (100%);
General Meeting: the corporate body of the Company consisting of Shareholders and all other Persons with Meeting Right or a meeting of Shareholders and other Persons with Meeting Right, as the case may be;
Group Company: a group company of the Company as referred to in Section 2:24b DCC;
in writing: by letter, by telecopier, by e-mail, or by a legible and reproducible message otherwise electronically sent, provided that the identity of the sender can be sufficiently established;
J&F: J&F Investimentos S.A., a corporation (sociedade por ações) under the laws of Brazil, registered with the commercial register of São Paulo (Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo) under number 35300340825;
Last Conversion Quarter: the period starting on the first day of October two thousand twenty-six and ending on the thirty-first day of December two thousand twenty-six;
LuxCo: J&F Investments Luxembourg S.à r.l., a limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés, Luxembourg) under number B276177;