Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
(Figures expressed in thousands of pesos)
In May 2010, Promotora, Fiduagraria, and Fiduoccidente signed a contract for the assignment of a fiduciary contractual position under the commercial fiduciary contract, under which Fiduagraria ceded its fiduciary contractual position in favor of Fiduciaria de Occidente, approved by Banco de Fiduciaria Bogotá as the only secured creditor.
On June 21, 2010, an addendum to the Commercial Trust contract was signed with Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A., with the purpose of making Fiduoccidente Autonomous Patrimony the full owner of the portion of the trust property corresponding to 52.15%, in order to guarantee the beneficiaries of the Fiduciary, Banco de Bogotá, Banco de Occidente, and Bancolombia, with the proceeds of its sale, whose property is delivered to Promotora as a precarious bailment.
This new Irrevocable Commercial Trust contract is valid for eight (8) years and is intended for the Trustee—Autonomous Patrimony, to be the full owner of 52.15% of the land on which the Clínica Las Américas Building is built, as well as the other assets that it receives in its administration, in order to guarantee, with the proceeds of the sale, or with the aforementioned goods, to the beneficiaries of this trust, the fulfillment of the obligations in charge of Promotora, present or future, assumed in its exclusive name, or with another or other natural or legal persons and that are recorded in any kind of title or document of a commercial or civil nature, granted, drawn, guaranteed, endorsed, accepted or signed by Promotora.
As of December 26, 2018, financial obligations with Bancolombia, Banco de Bogotá and Banco de Occidente for a value of $ 24,661,582 are guaranteed with this trust, so the guarantee is used at 78%.
Administration Trust (Contract 4-2-1556 - 47.85%)
The second contract (América Administration Trust) signed on December 22, 2000, corresponds to an administration trust on 50.57% of the trust rights amounting to $ 18,000,000, constituted on the Tower 3 building owned by Promotora which was delivered as a guarantee in favor of financial creditors in proportion to the debts that Promotora had contracted with them.
By Public Deed No. 5790 of November 26, 2009, of the Notary First of Bogotá D.C., it is transferred to the Promotora Médica Las Américas Guarantee Trust, two-point seventy and two percent (2.72%) of the property rights that it holds over the Clinic’s property, leaving the Guarantee Trust contract with 52.15% and the Administration Trust contract with 47.85% of property rights over the trust property.
The financial creditors or their assignees offer for sale to Promotora the fiduciary rights of the property where Clínica Las Américas is located and for that purpose, the company may begin to exercise the repurchase of said rights starting February 6, 2001, offer that will be valid for eight (8) years and five (5) months. The fiduciary rights shall be adjusted by a percentage equal to the national weighted average inflation (IPC) for the immediately preceding quarter, readjustment to be made on the balances of the fiduciary rights not purchased by Promotora. These rights may be acquired at any time and in a partial manner, but those released in the repurchase will enter as assets of the Guarantee Trust.
The beneficiaries of this Administration Trust, called América Administration Trust, are Central de Inversiones S.A. “CISA” and Cervecería Unión S.A. “CERVUNIÓN S.A.” with participation for 91.90% and 8.10%, respectively.
On July 28, 2010, an autonomous patrimony was established by means of the Irrevocable Mercantile Trust, Administration, and Source of Payment contract, signed between Promotora Médica Las Américas S.A. and Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A., whose term is eight (8) years.