“Adhesion Contract” is each of the contracts under which an Authorized Assignee takes on the condition of Bank Creditor by adhering to the Comprehensive Amendment, in terms similar to the template contained in either Annex E-1 or Annex E-2.
“Cofide Channeling Contract” is the resource channeling contract signed June 30, 2016, between the Bank and Cofide, under which Cofide is obligated to channel a portion of the funds for the Loan to the Bank, as well as its first amendment, signed on the same Closing Date.
“Bond Agreements” are the joint bond agreements signed on the same Closing Date between Medic Ser, Oncocenter Perú S.A.C., the Borrower and the Administrative Agent, under which (i) Medic Ser and Oncocenter Perú S.A.C., in the first, and (ii) Medic Ser, Oncocenter Perú S.A.C. and the Borrower, in the second, will grant a joint and several, absolute, irrevocable, unconditional, and automatically and immediately enforceable bond with no excussion benefits to the Administrative Agent as a guaranty on the Secured Obligations, as they may be modified over time, which are to replace and void the Bond Agreement dated June 30, 2016, signed between Auna with some of its Affiliates and the Bank.
“Colombia Bond Agreement” is the bond agreement to be signed by Auna Colombia and the Colombian Guaranties Agent, under which Auna Colombia will grant a joint and several, absolute, irrevocable, unconditional, and automatically and immediately enforceable bond with no excussion benefits to Colombian Guaranties Agent, as it may be modified over time.
“NY Bond Agreements” are the Guaranty and Security Agreement[s] under New York laws signed on the same Closing Date between Medic Ser, Oncocenter Perú S.A.C. and the Borrower, under which (i) Medic Ser and Oncocenter Perú S.A.C., in the first, and (ii) Medic Ser, Oncocenter Perú S.A.C. and the Borrower, in the second, have granted a guaranty under the laws of New York to the NY Administrative Agent, as it may be modified over time.
“Asset Trust Agreement” is the secured trust agreement originally signed on June 30, 2016, between the Borrower, GSP Holding S.A.C. and Medic Ser, as trustors, the Bank as beneficiary, and La Fiduciaria S.A. as trustee, under which the Assets were transferred under possession in trust to La Fiduciaria S.A., and its first amendment was signed on the same Closing Date between the Borrower, GSP Holding S.A.C., Medic Ser, La Fiduciaria S.A., the Bank and the Peruvian Guaranties Agent, as a guaranty on the Secured Obligations, as they may be modified over time.
“Monetary Receivables Trust Agreement” is the trust agreement for administration and guaranty originally signed on June 30, 2016, between the
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