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[logo:] Scotiabank | | | | 14 |
| | | | Chiclayo Financial Lease |
15.2 | By means of this document, the parties agree that the PAYMENT SCHEDULE shall begin to govern as from the DATE OF ACTIVATION. For this purpose, once the total DISBURSEMENT has been made for the construction of THE WORKS, THE LESSOR will send to THE LESSEE, a communication to the contractual address indicated in Annex I, detailing the DISBURSEMENTS made, the final PAYMENT SCHEDULE, and the exact PAYMENT DATES. |
15.3 | The PARTIES declare to know that when the final PAYMENT SCHEDULE is issued and the exact PAYMENT DATES are determined, their interest may vary depending on the PAYMENT DATE of the FEES, therefore, THE LESSEE accepts that the final amount of the FEES will be the one specified in the final PAYMENT SCHEDULE that THE LESSOR sends to THE LESSEE to the contractual address indicated in Annex I. |
16.1 | The FEES of the financial lease may be indexed, if due to a Change in Law any of the following events took place (each of the above, an “Event”, or jointly the “Events”): (a) any increase in the costs of money affecting THE LESSOR to grant or maintain the leasing; (b) any requirement for higher regulatory capital, and the amount of such capital is increased in or based on the existence of the outstanding balance of this FINANCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT; or, (c) a reduction in the effective rate of return on the capital of THE LESSOR as a result of changes in the tax legislation applicable to THE LESSOR. For this purpose, THE LESSOR must send a written communication to THE LESSEE: (i) with a description of the Event reasonably described and supported, along with the date of effectiveness thereof; (ii) the cost that such Event generates for THE LESSOR; (iv) the calculation of the amount by which THE LESSOR must be compensated for the cost of such Event and the modification to the Payment Schedule. The PARTIES agree that the new PAYMENT SCHEDULE shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of the above-mentioned communication. |
Within the term previously mentioned, THE LESSEE will have the right to prepay the total amount due (including, but not limited to, the higher cost already generated as a result of the Event) as of that date, and the PREPAYMENT FEE shall not apply. In case of accepting the new Payment Schedule, THE LESSEE must cancel in favor of THE LESSOR a fee for the modification of said PAYMENT SCHEDULE reaching the amount of USD 500.00 (Five hundred and 00/100 DOLLARS) plus the corresponding General Sales Tax, within the term of thirty (30) days indicated above.
For the purposes of this clause, “Change in Law” is understood as the entry into force of a legal rule including laws, regulations, rulings, directives, recommendations or decisions, or their amendment, replacement, or interpretation by any Government Authority. In addition, “Government Authority” is understood as the Government of Peru and any other national government, as well as their respective jurisdictions, political divisions, whether provincial, state, territorial or local, and any agency, authority, institution, supervisory body, court, central bank, or any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, tax, supervisory or administrative powers, or functions related to the government.
17.1 | As from now on, THE LESSEE authorizes THE LESSOR to debit from any of the accounts held by the first one in its institution, the necessary amounts in order to comply with each of the obligations it maintains by virtue of this FINANCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT. |
17.2 | Any payment made by THE LESSEE shall be applied in the following order of preference: accrued costs and expenses, penalties, default interest, compensatory interest, to the amortization of capital of the overdue FEE(s), and finally to the amortization of capital of the closest FEE due. |
17.3 | The PARTIES declare that all payments of the FEES made by THE LESSEE to THE LESSOR, arising out of this contract, must be made in the currency indicated in Annex I. |
17.4 | The PARTIES agree that, if THE LESSEE does not make the payments, in the PAYMENT DATES established in the PAYMENT SCHEDULE, THE LESSEE will automatically incur in default, as provided for in section number 1 of Article 1333 of the Civil Code and will assume all the costs and expenses arising out of the judicial and/or extrajudicial collection, including attorneys’ fees, therefore, it will not be necessary to notify the debtor in order for the arrears to exist. The default interest is detailed in Annex I. |
The Default Interest Rate applies for the entire period in which the corresponding EVENT OF DEFAULT remains in effect. In the case of failure to pay a monetary obligation, the Default Interest Rate will be applied to the outstanding amount. Where the failure is non-monetary, the Default Interest Rate will be applied to the amount of the closest FEE to be due.
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