the following address: Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksay district, Lenina village, Logopark street, 5. The building belongs to the Lessor under the ownership title based on the permit for commissioning of the object No. 61-61502306-170-2020 dated 17.06.2020 issued by the Administration of Rostov region Aksay district, Lenina village settlement, land plot purchase and sales agreement dated 02.10.2019, which was recorded in EGRN on 25.06.2020 under the register number 61:02:0600016:4136-61/003/2020-1.
“Land plot” means a land plot with an overall area of 117,245.0 sq. m with a cadastral number 61:02:0600016:4086, land category: lands for industrial, energy, transport, communications, radio and TV broadcasting, informatics use, lands for ensuring space activities, defense, security and other special purpose lands; kind of allowed use: industrial, utility, warehousing enterprises with a sanitary protection zone of not more than 50 meters, exhibition and trade complexes, office buildings, linear objects of transport and engineering infrastructure, located by the following address: Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksay district, Lenina village, Logopark street, 5, which belongs to the Lessor on the basis of the ownership title certified in EGRN under the registry number 61:02:0600016:4086-61/003/2019-1 on 27.11.2019.
For the purpose of this document the term “Land Plot” also includes any other land plots which may be formed out of it.
“Utilities” means any existing or future utilities intended for transfer of materials or energy and any auxiliary equipment attached to them or complementary to them;
“Complex” (or “Warehousing Complex”) means a Logistic warehousing complex “Dorozhny” located by the following address: Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksay district, Lenina village, Logopark street, 1, 2, 5.
“Checkpoint 1” means non-residential building with a cadastral number 61:02:0600016:4135, called KPP-1, purpose: non-residential building with overall area of 872.80 sq. m, 2 floors, located by the following address: Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksay district, Lenina village, Logopark street, 5. The building belongs to the Lessor under the ownership title based on the permit for commissioning of the facility No. 61-61502306-170-2020 dated 17.06.2020 issued by the Administration of Rostov region Aksay district, Lenina village settlement, land plot purchase and sales agreement dated 02.10.2019, which was recorded in EGRN on 25.06.2020 under the register number 61:02:0600016: 4135-61/003/2020-1.
“Checkpoint 2” means non-residential building with a cadastral number 61:02:0600016:4134, called KPP-2, purpose: non-residential building with overall area of 34.2 sq. m, 1 floor, located by the following address: Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksay district, Lenina village, Logopark street, 5. The Building is owned by the Lessor based on permit for facility commissioning 61:02:0600016:4135 of which record 61:02:0600016:4134-61/003/2020-1 has been entered into the Unified State Register of Immovable Property of 23.06.2020.
“VAT” means the value added tax stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation;
“Lessee’s Equipment” means a rack system and any other equipment of the Lessee intended for installation or installed in the Premises at any time during the Lease Period;
“Force Majeure Events” means extraordinary, unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions, as defined in Clause 3, Article 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by which the Parties shall, inter alia, mean extraordinary events or circumstances which the Party could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable means, including, inter alia, natural disasters, war, revolution, rebellion, civil unrest, exercise by the State of the preemptive rights of acquisition in case of the nationwide emergency, nuclear explosion, radioactive or chemical contamination, as well as other circumstances being beyond reasonable control of the Parties and making it impossible to perform their obligations hereunder, provided that violation of obligations by the counterparties of the relevant Party, lack of funds and such financial circumstances as currency exchange rate fluctuations or market value declines, shall not be deemed Force Majeure Events;