For the nine months ended June 30, 2022, the Company’s loan portfolio, net of sales, grew by $168.7 million to $1.4 billion. At June 30, 2022, the residential loan portfolio amounted to $431.8 million, or 30.5% of total loans. Commercial real estate loans, including multi-family loans and construction and land development loans, totaled $927.0 million or 65.5% of total loans at June 30, 2022. Commercial loans, including PPP loans, totaled $56.9 million or 4.0% of total loans.
Total deposits were $1.3 billion at June 30, 2022 verus $1.2 billion at September 30, 2021. Core deposit balances, which consist of demand, NOW, savings and money market deposits, represented 77.9% and 67.6% of total deposits at June 30, 2022 and September 30, 2021, respectively. At those dates, demand deposit balances represented 16.3% and 16.4% of total deposits. Beginning in late 2020, we began a municipal deposit program. The program is based upon relationships of our management team, rather than bid based transactions. At June 30, 2022, total municipal deposits were $444.6 million, representing 20 separate governmental clients, compared to $350.5 million at September 30, 2021, representing 18 separate governmental clients. The rate on the municipal deposit portfolio was 0.47% at June 30, 2022.
Borrowings at June 30, 2022 were $57.0 million, including $18.9 million in PPPLF funding, versus $159.6 million, including $117.7 million in PPPLF funding at September 30, 2021. PPPLF borrowings declined as borrowers had received forgiveness or have made payments on PPP loans. At June 30, 2022, the Company had $37.8 million of outstanding FHLB advances as compared to $42.0 million at September 30, 2021.
Liquidity and Capital Resources – Liquidity management is defined as both the Company’s and the Bank’s ability to meet their financial obligations on a continuous basis without material loss or disruption of normal operations. These obligations include the withdrawal of deposits on demand or at their contractual maturity, the repayment of borrowings as they mature, funding new and existing loan commitments and the ability to take advantage of business opportunities as they arise. Asset liquidity is provided by short-term investments, such as fed funds sold, the marketability of securities available for sale and interest-bearing deposits due from the Federal Reserve, FHLB and correspondent banks, which totaled $134.0 million and $166.5 million at June 30, 2022 and September 30, 2021, respectively. These liquid assets may include assets that have been pledged primarily against municipal deposits or borrowings. Liquidity is also provided by the maintenance of a base of core deposits, cash and non-interest-bearing deposits due from banks, the ability to sell or pledge marketable assets and access to lines of credit.
Liquidity is continuously monitored, thereby allowing management to better understand and react to emerging balance sheet trends, including temporary mismatches with regard to sources and uses of funds. After assessing actual and projected cash flow needs, management seeks to obtain funding at the most economical cost. These funds can be obtained by converting liquid assets to cash or by attracting new deposits or other sources of funding. Many factors affect the Company’s ability to meet liquidity needs, including variations in the markets served, loan demand, its asset/liability mix, its reputation and credit standing in its markets and general economic conditions. Borrowings and the scheduled amortization of investment securities and loans are more predictable funding sources. Deposit flows and securities prepayments are somewhat less predictable as they are often subject to external factors. Among these are changes in the local and national economies, competition from other financial institutions and changes in market interest rates.
The Company’s primary sources of funds are cash provided by deposits, which may include brokered and listing service deposits, and borrowings, proceeds from maturities and sales of securities and cash provided by operating activities. At June 30, 2022, total deposits were $1.3 billion, of which $175.6 million were time deposits scheduled to mature within the next 12 months. Based on historical experience, the Company expects to be able to replace a substantial portion of those maturing deposits with comparable deposit products. At June 30, 2022 and September 30, 2021, the Company had $57.0 million and $159.6 million, respectively, in borrowings used to fund the growth in the Company’s loan portfolio.