Brightwood’s Ethical Decision-Making Framework
At times there may be competing interests and tensions among various constituencies, such as investment advisors, limited partners, investors, clients, consultants, third party business partners and employees. Yet, common to all is the desire to build trusting, open, professional, value-added relationships.
This means that we:
Are clear, open, truthful and honest.
⮚Make what you know accessible to others.
⮚Do not conceal, “cover-up” or omit material or significant information that should be disclosed.
⮚Deliver bad news early, tactfully and personally.
⮚Raise concerns and problems at the earliest possible time with the appropriate persons.
Keep our promises.
⮚Hold yourself and others accountable for targets and deadlines.
⮚Do what you say you will do.
⮚Do not hide or conceal problems or mistakes when disclosure is warranted.
⮚Take responsibility for correcting your mistakes and do all you can to correct them.
Are fair in our dealings with others.
⮚Express differences of opinion with respect for others.
⮚Assume positive intent; and strive for a win-win outcome with customers, clients, vendors, employees, directors, consultants, colleagues, and suppliers.
⮚Uphold and fulfill our legal obligations.
⮚Comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations.
⮚Comply with all contractual obligations.
When the right course of action is not clear, seek clarification from the Chief Compliance Officer or your supervisor to help guide you to an ethical and lawful decision that is in keeping with Brightwood's commitment to the highest standards of business conduct and integrity.