Exhibit 3.6
By Decision of the Extraordinary general
meeting of JSC Kaspi.kz
(Minutes No.2-19 dated August 19, 2019)
/Seal: The Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Joint Stock Company Kaspi.kz/
1. Word “registrar” in sub-clause 4) of clause 5.2., sub-clause 2) of clause 5.5, clause 7.9., sub-clause 2) of clause 10.8 of the Articles of Association shall be replaced with the following words: “central depositary”.
2. Part two of clause 8.5. of the Articles of Association shall be deleted.
3. Sub-clause 16) of clause 10.5 of the Articles of Association shall be amended to read as follows:
“16) determination of a form of a notice of general meeting of shareholders sent to the shareholders by the Company;”.
4. Sub-clause 19) of clause 10.5 of the Articles of Association shall be amended to read as follows:
“19) determination of a procedure of submission of the information on the Company’s activity to the shareholders;”.
5. Clause 10.9 of the Articles of Association shall be amended to read as follows:
“10.9. The shareholders shall be informed of the forthcoming General meeting not later than thirty calendar days before such meeting, and in case of absentee or combined vote – not later than forty-five calendar days before such General meeting of shareholders.
In case of holding of any general meeting of shareholders of the company being a financial organization, which agenda includes an item on increase in the number of authorized shares of the company for the purpose of performance of any prudential and other norms and limits established by the RK legislation, by request of the authorized body the shareholders shall be informed of forthcoming general meeting not later than ten working days, and in case of absentee or combined vote – not later than fifteen working days before such meeting.
Notice of the General meeting of shareholders shall be published in Kazakh and Russian at the Internet-resource of financial statements depositary or brought to the notice of the shareholder by a written message. Deadline marking is performed from the date of publication of the notice of general meeting of shareholders in mass media or from the date of its sending to shareholders in the form of written messages.
Written notice of General meeting of shareholders shall be sent to the shareholders in hard copy or in electronic format”.
6. Clause 10.11 of the Articles of Association shall be amended to read as follows: