Principle 1 – Target ongoing reductions in Queensland’s relative debt burden, as measured by the General Government debt to revenue ratio
A primary fiscal focus for the Government is managing the debt of the General Government sector, and servicing this debt from within the General Government sector through tax revenue, charges and royalties. Targeting ongoing reductions in the debt to revenue ratio enables the Government to improve the State’s fiscal sustainability.
As a result of significant initiatives implemented through the Debt Action Plan, the General Government sector’s debt to revenue ratio has fallen substantially from a peak of 91% in 2012-13 to 56% in 2018-19 MYFER, which is the same level forecast at the 2018-19 Budget. The average across the five years is at the same level forecast at the 2018-19 Budget.
Principle 2 – Target net operating surpluses that ensure any new capital investment in the General Government sector is funded primarily through recurrent revenues rather than borrowing
2018-19 has seen an increase in the proportion of net investments in non-financial assets to operating cashflows from 60% at Budget to 70% at MYFER, driven in part by upward revision to revenue projections. The average across the five years shows an improvement compared to the level forecast at the 2018-19 Budget.
Principle 3 – The capital program will be managed to ensure a consistent flow of works to support jobs and the economy and reduce the risk of backlogs emerging
The 2018-19 MYFER sees General Government sector purchases of non-financial assets (capital purchases) increase from $5.127 billion in 2017-18 to $5.981 billion in 2018-19. Capital purchases over the next three years (2019-20 to 2021-22) average around $7.4 billion per annum. The average across the five years shows an improvement compared to level forecast at the 2018-19 Budget.
Principle 4 – Maintain competitive taxation by ensuring that General Government sector own–source revenue remains at or below 8.5% as a proportion of nominal gross state product, on average, across the forward estimates
General Government own source revenue is forecast to be 8.4% of nominal gross state product in 2018-19 and an average of 8.1% across the forward estimates. This ensures the Government’s revenue efforts do not constrain economic activity or place undue burden on households. Tax revenue will remain below the ten year peak of 4.3% of GSP observed in 2014-15.
Principle 5 – Target full funding of long term liabilities such as superannuation and WorkCover in accordance with actuarial advice
Consistent with the long-standing practice of successive governments, the Queensland Government is committed to ensuring the State sets aside assets, on an actuarially determined basis, to meet long term liabilities such as superannuation and WorkCover.
The latest full actuarial review of the QSuper scheme, as at 30 June 2018, found the scheme to be fully funded. WorkCover is also fully funded as at 30 June 2018.
Principle 6 – Maintain a sustainable public service by ensuring that overall growth in full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, on average over the forward estimates, does not exceed population growth
Across the forward estimates, average growth is 1.7%, in line with expected population growth.