Notes to the Financial Statements
Public sector entities are generally considered material for the purposes of this report if they meet either of the following criteria:
– net operating result in excess of $5 million; or
– net assets in excess of $100 million (2020: $75 million).
However, in addition to material entities, the State consolidates some entities which are not material in terms of the operating position or net asset position criteria if they are either a department or if they are funded for the delivery of services.
When financial results are available in respect of non-material entities, they are reviewed with the aim of including any newly material entities in the following year’s consolidated financial statements.
Newly created entities that are expected to meet the materiality criteria on the basis of their initial budget estimates are included in the consolidated financial statements from the time of their establishment.
The GGS has 100% ownership and voting power in other Queensland public sector entities, classified as either PNFCs or PFCs.
The following controlled entities of the Government have been included in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021. The list has been classified by activity sectors as outlined in Note 1(c). Entities denoted with an asterisk are consolidated with the accounts of the preceding entity.
General Government
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (Abolished as at 12 November 2020)
Agriculture and Fisheries
Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
* Arts Queensland
* CITEC - commercialised business unit
* Corporate Administration Agency - shared service provider
* Queensland Shared Services - shared service provider
* Australian Music Examinations Board
Employment, Small Business and Training
Energy and Public Works (Established 12 November 2020)
* QBuild - commercialised business unit
* QFleet - commercialised business unit
Environment and Science
Justice and Attorney-General
Premier and Cabinet
* Screen Queensland Pty Ltd
Public Safety Business Agency (Abolished as at 1 July 2021)
Queensland Corrective Services
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Queensland Health
Queensland Police Service
Queensland Treasury
Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
Resources (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
(Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
* Economic Development Queensland - commercialised business unit
Tourism, Innovation and Sport (Renamed as at 12 November 2020)
Transport and Main Roads
* RoadTek - commercialised business unit
Youth Justice (Abolished as at 12 November 2020)
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Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 2020–21 – Queensland Government | | | 5-95 | |