| page |
Forward-looking statements | 2,64,65 |
| |
G | |
Gearing | 52 |
Global community partnerships | 4,27-29 |
Global Supply Network | 14 |
Glossary of terms | 158 |
Going concern basis | 37,74 |
Goodwill | 60,70-72,78,80,82-84,88,90,95,96,102,108,109,122, 125,126,128-133 |
Governmental investigations | 65,103,106,107 |
Group companies | 139-141 |
| |
H | |
Healthcare Services | 58,88,148 |
Hedging | 63,83,85,110,111,113,123 |
History and development of the company | 6 |
HIV and AIDS | 3,4,7,8,10,15,17-19,21,22,27-29,54-56, 66-69,144-147 |
| |
I | |
Impairment of assets | 59,72,78,84,95-98,122,124, |
| 126,128-130,132 |
Independent Auditors | 4,34-38,75 |
Information technology | 24,37,65 |
In-licensing | 14,15,18,21,22,57 |
Intangible assets | 59-61,71,72,78-80,84, 90,95,100, |
| 122,125-133,137 |
Intellectual property | 4,10,11,22,23,37,65, 89,103 |
Interest cover | 52 |
Interest rate risk management | 63,110 |
Internal control | 34,35 |
Investments | 57,60-63,69-72,76,78-80, 84,85,87,89,96-99,102,110-112, 115,121,123-130,137 |
Investor information | 151-156 |
| |
J | |
Joint ventures and associates | 5,58-61,70,79,83,84,86,87, 90,91,93,96,134 |
| |
L | |
Leases | 78,79,84,90,96,99,100,113 |
Legal proceedings | 23,37,64,65,103-107 |
Liquid investments | 60,79,80,87,99,110-112,123, 124,126,128 |
Loans and overdrafts | 80,90,99,110,111 |
Lymphatic Filariasis | 4,28,29 |
| |
M | |
Malaria | 7,8,10,15,17,18,21,27-29 |
Manufacture and supply | 6,13,14 |
Manufacturing and other restructuring | 82,83,88-93,98,114, 122,123,130,133,149 |
Market capitalisation | 40,64,152 |
Marketing and distribution | 13 |
Maturity and counterparty risk | 63 |
Memorandum and Articles of Association | 155 |
Merger accounting adjustments | 85 |
Metabolic and gastro-intestinal | 7,8,10,15,20,21,53-56, 67,68,82,144-148 |
| |
N | |
Net debt | 52,58,60-64,78,79,87, 99,100,111,150 |
Net interest payable | 52,58,63,70,76,86, 87,90,142,149 |
New products | 4,19-21,53,62,64-66, 69 |
Nominations Committee | 34,40 |
Non-Executive Directors | 32,34,40,45-47 |
Noon buying rate | 71 |
Nutritional healthcare | 6,9,11,13,14,22,57,69,86,148 |