DRAFT P R O J E C T R A V E N I I I R A V E N V A L U A T I O N A N A L Y S I S Raven – Analysis at Various Prices ($ in millions, except per share values) Current Illustrative Valuation Range 1 Memo: Enterprise Value Net of Vail Stake Net Cash / (Debt) 1,586 880 1,812 880 2,062 880 2,312 880 2,562 880 3,062 880 3,562 880 4,062 880 The premium paid to the public float more than doubles if Diamond’s stake trades at market Memo: Equity Value Net of Vail Stake 1 2,466 1,165 2,692 1,391 2,942 1,641 3,192 1,891 3,442 2,141 3,942 2,641 4,442 3,141 4,942 3,641 1 Memo: Equity Value of Public Float Premium / (Discount) to: Current ($9.91) Pre-FY'20 Q1 Announcement ($18.54) VWAP Since IPO ($18.48) All-Time High ($31.24) 0.0% (46.5%) (46.4%) (68.3%) 7.0% (42.8%) (42.6%) (66.1%) 14.7% (38.7%) (38.5%) (63.6%) 22.3% (34.6%) (34.4%) (61.2%) 30.0% (30.5%) (30.3%) (58.7%) 45.4% (22.3%) (22.0%) (53.9%) 60.8% (14.0%) (13.8%) (49.0%) 76.2% (5.8%) (5.5%) (44.1%) Premium / (Discount) to: Current ($9.91) Pre-FY'20 Q1 Announcement ($18.54) VWAP Since IPO ($18.48) All-Time High ($31.24) 0.0% (46.5%) (46.4%) (68.3%) 15.0% (38.5%) (38.3%) (63.5%) 31.5% (29.7%) (29.5%) (58.3%) 48.1% (20.8%) (20.6%) (53.0%) 64.7% (12.0%) (11.7%) (47.8%) 97.8% 5.7% 6.1% (37.3%) 130.9% 23.4% 23.8% (26.8%) 164.0% 41.1% 41.6% (16.2%) 2 Standalone View (Vail Mgm t. Proje ction) Metric Growth Vail Infra. Peers FY 2020 / CY 2019 FY 2021 / CY 2020 $735 $784 12% 7% 2.75x 2.58x 3.06x 2.87x 3.40x 3.19x 3.74x 3.51x 4.08x 3.83x 4.76x 4.46x 5.44x 5.10x 6.12x 5.74x 7.65x 6.96x 4.97x 4.09x 2 Vail Infra. Peers In-Vail View (Vail Mgmt. Projection) Metric Growth FY 2020 / CY 2019 FY 2021 / CY 2020 $735 $800 12% 9% 2.75x 2.53x 3.06x 2.81x 3.40x 3.13x 3.74x 3.44x 4.08x 3.75x 4.76x 4.38x 5.44x 5.00x 6.12x 5.63x 7.65x 6.96x 4.97x 4.09x 2 Raven Mgmt. LRP (Mid Case Sensitivity) Metric Growth Vail Infra. Peers FY 2020 / CY 2019 FY 2021 / CY 2020 18% 18% 2.62x 2.22x 2.91x 2.47x 3.23x 2.74x 3.56x 3.01x 3.88x 3.29x 4.53x 3.84x 5.17x 4.38x 5.82x 4.93x 7.65x 6.96x 4.97x 4.09x $773 $912 Source: Company filings, FactSet as of 7/26/2019. 15 Note: 1 2 Raven and Vail fiscal years end January 31st. FY financials used as proxy for prior CY metrics for Raven and Vail. Premium paid to public float including Ford. Assumes Diamond and Vail shares are valued at current market prices. Infrastructure peers include: Dropbox, Box, SailPoint, Cloudera, Appian, Talend, Carbon Black and Nutanix. Premium Paid Only to Public Float1 Premium Paid to All Shareholders Illustrative Comparable Range: 3.25x – 5.00x FY 2021 Revenue Comparable Companies Implied EV / Revenue Multiples Implied Share Price $9.91 $11.39 $13.04 $14.68 $16.32 $19.60 $22.88 $26.16 Illustrative Premium: 50% – 70% Illustrative Premium: 50% – 70% Implied Share Price $9.91 $10.60 $11.36 $12.12 $12.89 $14.41 $15.94 $17.46 Equity Value $2,904 $3,130 $3,380 $3,630 $3,880 $4,380 $4,880 $5,380 Enterprise Value $2,024 $2,250 $2,500 $2,750 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500