“Indemnifiable Expenses” means any expenses incurred by an Indemnified Person, in connection with any claim for compensation made pursuant to Article VIII of this Contract, which is ultimately appropriate.
“GLM” has the meaning attributed to said term in the introduction of this Contract.
“Encumbrance” means any mortgage, pledge, pledge without transfer of possession, security interest, retention of title, right of first refusal, security trust, privilege or priority of any kind having the effect of a security, any designation of preferred beneficiaries, beneficiary or any similar arrangement in relation to any insurance policy or any preference to one creditor over another, as applicable under Applicable Law.
“HKM” has the meaning attributed to said term in the introduction of this Contract.
“Taxes” means, regardless of its name and the Applicable Laws under which it is governed, any taxes, duties, contributions, levies, burdens, tax credits, tariffs, stamps and contributions of any kind, as well as their accessories, (including fines, updates, interest and surcharges, regardless of their name), payable by a Person to any Government Authority, including with respect to or on income, business, sales, operations, transfers, franchises, registrations, profits, payroll, property (real or personal), imports, exports or other actions, omissions or circumstances of any kind, or that under Applicable Laws in any jurisdiction have a treatment equivalent to any of the above, including, social security contributions to the Mexican Social Security Institute and the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers, contributions to the Retirement Savings System, workers’ profit sharing.
“VAT” means Value Added Tax.
“JLK” has the meaning attributed to said term in the introduction of this Contract.
“Law on Economic Competition” means the Federal Law on Economic Competition and any other Law Applicable to any Buyer, to any Seller or to the Companies in any applicable jurisdiction that is designed to prohibit, restrict or regulate actions that have the effect or purpose of monopolizing or restricting the market.
“Anti-Corruption Laws” means, with respect to any Person, all Applicable Laws on the fight against corruption, money laundering and the fight against terrorism and organized crime; including but not limited to the bribery chapter in the Federal Criminal Code and any chapter of a similar nature in any local criminal code, the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities, Federal Racketeering Law, the National Domain Extinction Law, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions dated November 21, 1997, and the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Transactions with Resources of Illicit Origin, as well as any others that may apply.
“Labor Laws” means, jointly, any Applicable Law related to labor relations, unions, collective bargaining agreements, individual employment contracts, terms and conditions of hire, salaries, employment benefits, workdays, labor settlements, employment discrimination, hygiene, safety, health and protection in the workplace.