| liability, constituted or carrying on business in any part of the world, or by any individual person, or by any government, sovereign, ruler, commissioners, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, in any part of the world, units of and participants in any trust, scheme, mutual fund or collective investment scheme in any part of the world; |
4.3 | To carry on all or any of the businesses of transporters, suppliers, distributors, developers, producers, manufacturers, refiners, distillers, processors, converters, storers, carriers, importers and exporters of, explorers and prospectors for, and dealers in, natural and other gases, petroleum and other hydrocarbons, coal and other minerals, chemicals, products derived from or connected with any of them, electricity and all other forms of energy. |
4.4 | To acquire (whether by purchase, lease, concession, grant or otherwise), establish, develop, exploit, operate and maintain land, claims, wells, mines, licences, concessions, drilling and mining rights, exploration and production rights, and rights and interests of all descriptions in or relating to the same, which may seem to the Company capable or possibly capable of affording a supply of natural or other gas, petroleum or other hydrocarbons, coal or other minerals, other forms of energy, chemicals or revenue derived directly or indirectly from any of them. |
4.5 | To construct, lay, operate, use, inspect, maintain, improve, enlarge, alter, protect, repair, replace and remove, and to carry out works in respect of, pipelines and equipment and facilities ancillary to the operation or use of pipelines. |
4.6 | To install in any premises or place and to operate, use, inspect, maintain, repair, replace and remove meters or other devices for assessing the quantity or quality of supplies of gas and other substances and forms of energy and for other purposes connected with such supplies. |
4.7 | To do anything which a public gas transporter is empowered or required to do under or by virtue of, or under an authorisation granted under, the Gas Act 1986, as amended by the Gas Act 1995, or any statutory modification or re-enactment of it, or any other enactment. |
4.8 | To locate, establish, construct, equip, operate, use, manage and maintain production, treatment and storage facilities (including underground storage facilities), refineries, factories, works, plants, platforms, derricks, rigs, warehouses, depots, offices and other buildings, compressor stations, laboratories, research stations, wharves, jetties, terminals, transport facilities, loading facilities, roads, railways, structures, installations and facilities of all kinds, whether for the purposes of the Company or for sale or hire to, or in return for any consideration from, any person, and to purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, charter and take or let on hire any of the same. |
4.9 | To carry on all or any of the businesses of suppliers, distributors, designers, developers, manufacturers, installers, fitters, repairers, maintainers, importers and exporters of, and dealers in, gas appliances, kitchen equipment and fittings, and all kinds of goods, equipment, fittings, machinery, materials and installations connected with the use of gas for domestic, industrial, commercial or other purposes or with the conservation of gas or other forms of energy. |
4.10 | To carry on all or any of the businesses of inspectors, maintainers, repairers, reconditioners, servicers, coaters, designers, developers, manufacturers, constructors, installers, layers, fitters, hirers, letters on hire, suppliers, distributors, importers and exporters of, and dealers in, pipes, pipelines, equipment ancillary to the operation or use of pipes and pipelines, platforms, derricks, rigs, installations and facilities of all kinds, tools and machinery of every description, engineering and other equipment, plant, components, accessories and supplies of every description. |
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