Air Systems Components | | | | Industrial & Automotive | | |
Air System Components LP | | (USA) | | Gates GmbH | | (Germany) |
Hart & Cooley Inc | | (USA) | | Gates SA | | (France) |
Lau Industries Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Argentina SA | | (Argentina) |
Ruskin Company | | (USA) | | Gates Australia Pty Ltd | | (Australia) |
Ruskin Air Management Ltd | | | | Gates do Brasil Industria e Comercio Ltda | | (Brazil) |
Ruskin (Thailand) Company Ltd | | (Thailand) | | Gates Canada Inc | | (Canada) |
| | | | Gates Europe NV | | (Belgium) |
| | | | Gates Formed-Fibre Products Inc | | (USA) |
Engineered & Construction Products | | | | Gates (India) Private Ltd | | (India) |
Aquatic Industries Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Korea Company Ltd | | (Korea) |
Cobra Investments (Pty) Ltd (ordinary shares—62.4% owned) | | (Republic of South Africa) | | (ordinary shares—51% owned) | | |
| | | | Gates Nitta Belt Company (Suzhou) Ltd | | (China) |
Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Company | | (USA) | | (ordinary shares—51% owned) | | |
Dexter Axle Company Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Polska S.p.z.o.o. | | (Poland) |
Hattersley Newman Hender Ltd+ | | | | The Gates Rubber Company | | (USA) |
Lasco Bathware Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Rubber Company (NSW) Pty Ltd | | (Australia) |
Lasco Fittings Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Rubber Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd | | (Singapore) |
Mayfran International Inc | | (USA) | | Gates Rubber de Mexico SA de CV | | (Mexico) |
Mayfran Europe | | (The Netherlands) | | Gates (U.K.) Ltd | | (Scotland) |
Pegler Limited+ | | | | Gates Unitta Asia Company Ltd | | (Japan) |
Philips Products Inc | | (USA) | | (ordinary shares – 51% owned) | | |
| | | | Gates Unitta Asia Trading Company Pte Ltd | | (Singapore) |
| | | | (ordinary shares – 51% owned) | | |
| | | | Gates Unitta (Thailand) Company Ltd. | | (Thailand) |
| | | | Gates Vulca SA | | (Spain) |
Sold post year end: | | | | Ideal | | (USA) |
Milliken Valves Company Inc | | (USA) | | Ideal International SA* | | (Mexico) |
| | | | (ordinary shares—40% owned) | | |
| | | | Plews/Edelmann | | (USA) |
| | | | Schrader Bridgeport International Inc | | (USA) |
| | | | Schrader Bridgeport Brasil Ltda | | (Brazil) |
| | | | Schrader Duncan Ltd * | | (India) |
| | | | (ordinary shares – 50% owned) | | |
| | | | Schrader Electronics Ltd | | (Northern Ireland) |
| | | | Schrader SA | | (France) |
| | | | Standard-Thomson Corporation | | (USA) |
| | | | Stant Manufacturing, Inc | | (USA) |
| | | | Trico Ltd | | |
| | | | Trico Latinoamericana, SA | | (Argentina) |
| | | | Trico Products Corporation | | (USA) |
| | | | Trico Pty Ltd | | (Australia) |