1666 K Street, N.W.
Form N-PX is to be used by a registered management investment company, other than a small business investment company registered on Form N-5 (Secs. 239.24 and 274.5 of this chapter), to file reports with the Commission, not later than August 31 of each year, containing the registrant's proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, pursuant to section 30 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and rule 30b1-4 thereunder (17 CFR 270.30b1-4). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-PX in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.
A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-PX, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-PX unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to the Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. Sec. 3507.
Investment Company Report |
Security | 075887109 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | BDX | | Meeting Date | 23-Jan-2018 |
ISIN | US0758871091 | | Agenda | 934712933 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CATHERINE M. BURZIK | Management | For | For | |
1B. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: R. ANDREW ECKERT | Management | For | For | |
1C. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: VINCENT A. FORLENZA | Management | For | For | |
1D. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CLAIRE M. FRASER | Management | For | For | |
1F. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MARSHALL O. LARSEN | Management | For | For | |
1G. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: GARY A. MECKLENBURG | Management | For | For | |
1H. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID F. MELCHER | Management | For | For | |
1I. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILLARD J. OVERLOCK, JR. | Management | For | For | |
1J. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CLAIRE POMEROY | Management | For | For | |
1K. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: REBECCA W. RIMEL | Management | For | For | |
1L. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: TIMOTHY M. RING | Management | For | For | |
1M. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BERTRAM L. SCOTT | Management | For | For | |
Security | 244199105 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | DE | | Meeting Date | 28-Feb-2018 |
ISIN | US2441991054 | | Agenda | 934718959 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of Director: Samuel R. Allen | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of Director: Vance D. Coffman | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of Director: Alan C. Heuberger | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of Director: Charles O. Holliday, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of Director: Dipak C. Jain | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of Director: Michael O. Johanns | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of Director: Clayton M. Jones | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of Director: Brian M. Krzanich | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of Director: Gregory R. Page | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of Director: Sherry M. Smith | Management | For | For | |
1K. | Election of Director: Dmitri L. Stockton | Management | For | For | |
1L. | Election of Director: Sheila G. Talton | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Re-approve the John Deere Long-Term Incentive Cash Plan | Management | For | For | |
4. | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Deere's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal 2018 | Management | For | For | |
5. | Stockholder Proposal - Special Shareowner Meetings | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 254687106 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | DIS | | Meeting Date | 08-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US2546871060 | | Agenda | 934720598 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of director: Susan E. Arnold | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of director: Mary T. Barra | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of director: Safra A. Catz | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of director: John S. Chen | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of director: Francis A. deSouza | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of director: Robert A. Iger | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of director: Maria Elena Lagomasino | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of director: Fred H. Langhammer | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of director: Aylwin B. Lewis | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of director: Mark G. Parker | Management | For | For | |
2. | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's registered public accountants for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
3. | To approve material terms of performance goals under the Amended and Restated 2002 Executive Performance Plan. | Management | For | For | |
4. | To approve the advisory resolution on executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
5. | To approve the shareholder proposal requesting an annual report disclosing information regarding the Company's lobbying policies and activities. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | To approve the shareholder proposal requesting the Board to amend the Company's bylaws relating to proxy access to increase the number of permitted nominees, remove the limit on aggregating shares to meet the shareholding requirement, and remove the limitation on renomination of persons based on votes in a prior election. | Shareholder | For | Against | |
Security | 636180101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | NFG | | Meeting Date | 08-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US6361801011 | | Agenda | 934721413 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | Philip C. Ackerman | | For | For | |
| | 2 | Stephen E. Ewing | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Rebecca Ranich | | For | For | |
2. | Advisory approval of named executive officer compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal 2018 | Management | For | For | |
4. | A stockholder proposal to participate in the consolidating natural gas local distribution sector | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 747525103 | | Meeting Type | Contested-Annual |
Ticker Symbol | QCOM | | Meeting Date | 23-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US7475251036 | | Agenda | 934718632 - Opposition |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | Samih Elhage | | For | For | |
| | 2 | Raul J. Fernandez | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Michael S. Geltzeiler | | For | For | |
| | 4 | Stephen J. Girsky | | For | For | |
| | 5 | David G. Golden | | For | For | |
| | 6 | Veronica M. Hagen | | For | For | |
| | 7 | Julie A. Hill | | For | For | |
| | 8 | John H. Kispert | | For | For | |
| | 9 | Gregorio Reyes | | For | For | |
| | 10 | Thomas S. Volpe | | For | For | |
| | 11 | Harry L. You | | For | For | |
2. | To approve Broadcom's proposal to amend Qualcomm's Bylaws to undo any amendment to the Bylaws adopted without stockholder approval up to and including the date of the Annual Meeting that changes the Bylaws in any way from the version that was publicly filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 15, 2016. | Management | For | For | |
3. | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Qualcomm's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 | Management | For | For | |
4. | To approve, on a advisory basis, compensation paid to Qualcomm's named executive officers. | Management | Abstain | | |
5. | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | Management | Abstain | | |
6. | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation") to eliminate certain supermajority provisions relating to removal of directors | Management | For | For | |
7. | To approve an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate certain Supermajority provisions relating to amendments and obsolete provisions. | Management | For | For | |
8. | To approve an amendment to the certificate of incorporation to eliminate provisions requiring a supermajority vote for certain transactions with interested stockholders. | Management | For | For | |
Security | 747525103 | | Meeting Type | Contested-Annual |
Ticker Symbol | QCOM | | Meeting Date | 23-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US7475251036 | | Agenda | 934719329 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1 | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| �� | 1 | Barbara T. Alexander | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 2 | Jeffrey W. Henderson | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 3 | Thomas W. Horton | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 4 | Paul E. Jacobs | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 5 | Ann M. Livermore | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 6 | Harish Manwani | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 7 | Mark D. McLaughlin | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 8 | Steve Mollenkopf | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 9 | Clark T. Randt, Jr. | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 10 | Francisco Ros | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 11 | Anthony J. Vinciquerra | | Withheld | Against | |
2 | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent public accountants. | Management | For | For | |
3 | To approve, on an advisory basis, our executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
4 | To approve an amendment to the Amended and Restated QUALCOMM Incorporated 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended, to increase the share reserve by 30,000,000 shares. | Management | For | For | |
5 | To approve an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, to eliminate certain supermajority voting provisions relating to removal of directors. | Management | For | For | |
6 | To approve an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, to eliminate certain supermajority voting provisions relating to amendments and obsolete provisions. | Management | For | For | |
7 | To approve an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, to eliminate provisions requiring a supermajority vote for certain transactions with interested stockholders. | Management | For | For | |
8 | To vote on a stockholder proposal to undo amendments to the Company's Amended and Restated Bylaws adopted without stockholder approval. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 747525103 | | Meeting Type | Contested-Annual |
Ticker Symbol | QCOM | | Meeting Date | 23-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US7475251036 | | Agenda | 934719331 - Opposition |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1 | DIRECTOR | Management | Not Voted | | |
| | 1 | Samih Elhage | | | | |
| | 2 | Raul J. Fernandez | | | | |
| | 3 | Michael S. Geltzeiler | | | | |
| | 4 | Stephen J. Girsky | | | | |
| | 5 | David G. Golden | | | | |
| | 6 | Veronica M. Hagen | | | | |
| | 7 | Julie A. Hill | | | | |
| | 8 | John H. Kispert | | | | |
| | 9 | Gregorio Reyes | | | | |
| | 10 | Thomas S. Volpe | | | | |
| | 11 | Harry L. You | | | | |
2 | To approve Broadcom's proposal to amend Qualcomm's Bylaws to undo any amendment to the Bylaws adopted without stockholder approval up to and including the date of the Annual Meeting that changes the Bylaws in any way from the version that was publicly filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 15, 2016. | Management | Not Voted | | |
3 | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Qualcomm's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 | Management | Not Voted | | |
4 | To approve, on a advisory basis, compensation paid to Qualcomm's named executive officers. | Management | Not Voted | | |
5 | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | Management | Not Voted | | |
6 | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation") to eliminate certain supermajority provisions relating to removal of directors | Management | Not Voted | | |
7 | To approve an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate certain Supermajority provisions relating to amendments and obsolete provisions. | Management | Not Voted | | |
8 | To approve an amendment to the certificate of incorporation to eliminate provisions requiring a supermajority vote for certain transactions with interested stockholders. | Management | Not Voted | | |
Security | 747525103 | | Meeting Type | Contested-Annual |
Ticker Symbol | QCOM | | Meeting Date | 23-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US7475251036 | | Agenda | 934728188 - Opposition |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1 | DIRECTOR | Management | Not Voted | | |
| | 1 | Samih Elhage | | | | |
| | 2 | David G. Golden | | | | |
| | 3 | Veronica M. Hagen | | | | |
| | 4 | Julie A. Hill | | | | |
| | 5 | John H. Kispert | | | | |
| | 6 | Harry L. You | | | | |
2 | To approve Broadcom's proposal to amend Qualcomm's Bylaws to undo any amendment to the Bylaws adopted without stockholder approval up to and including the date of the Annual Meeting that changes the Bylaws in any way from the version that was publicly filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 15, 2016. | Management | Not Voted | | |
3 | To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Qualcomm's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 | Management | Not Voted | | |
4 | To approve, on a advisory basis, compensation paid to Qualcomm's named executive officers. | Management | Not Voted | | |
5 | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's 2001 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | Management | Not Voted | | |
6 | To approve an amendment to Qualcomm's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation") to eliminate certain supermajority provisions relating to removal of directors | Management | Not Voted | | |
7 | To approve an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate certain Supermajority provisions relating to amendments and obsolete provisions. | Management | Not Voted | | |
8 | To approve an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate provisions requiring a supermajority vote for certain transactions with interested stockholders. | Management | Not Voted | | |
Security | 806857108 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | SLB | | Meeting Date | 04-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | AN8068571086 | | Agenda | 934735246 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of Director: Peter L.S. Currie | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of Director: Miguel M. Galuccio | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of Director: V. Maureen Kempston Darkes | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of Director: Paal Kibsgaard | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of Director: Nikolay Kudryavtsev | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of Director: Helge Lund | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of Director: Michael E. Marks | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of Director: Lubna S. Olayan | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of Director: Leo Rafael Reif | Management | For | For | |
1K. | Election of Director: Henri Seydoux | Management | For | For | |
2. | To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
3. | To report on the course of business during the year ended December 31, 2017; and approve our consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2017; our consolidated statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2017; and our Board of Directors' declarations of dividends in 2017, as reflected in our 2017 Annual Report to Stockholders. | Management | For | For | |
4. | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent auditors for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
5. | To approve amended and restated French Sub Plan for purposes of qualification under French Law. | Management | For | For | |
Security | 665859104 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | NTRS | | Meeting Date | 17-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US6658591044 | | Agenda | 934733913 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of Director: Linda Walker Bynoe | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of Director: Susan Crown | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of Director: Dean M. Harrison | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of Director: Jay L. Henderson | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of Director: Michael G. O'Grady | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of Director: Jose Luis Prado | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of Director: Thomas E. Richards | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of Director: John W. Rowe | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of Director: Martin P. Slark | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of Director: David H. B. Smith, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1K. | Election of Director: Donald Thompson | Management | For | For | |
1L. | Election of Director: Charles A. Tribbett III | Management | For | For | |
1M. | Election of Director: Frederick H. Waddell | Management | For | For | |
2. | Approval, by an advisory vote, of the 2017 compensation of the Corporation's named executive officers. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Stockholder proposal regarding additional disclosure of political contributions. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 55261F104 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | MTB | | Meeting Date | 17-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US55261F1049 | | Agenda | 934739270 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | Brent D. Baird | | For | For | |
| | 2 | C. Angela Bontempo | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Robert T. Brady | | For | For | |
| | 4 | T.J. Cunningham III | | For | For | |
| | 5 | Gary N. Geisel | | For | For | |
| | 6 | Richard S. Gold | | For | For | |
| | 7 | Richard A. Grossi | | For | For | |
| | 8 | John D. Hawke, Jr. | | For | For | |
| | 9 | Rene F. Jones | | For | For | |
| | 10 | Richard H. Ledgett, Jr. | | For | For | |
| | 11 | Newton P.S. Merrill | | For | For | |
| | 12 | Melinda R. Rich | | For | For | |
| | 13 | Robert E. Sadler, Jr. | | For | For | |
| | 14 | Denis J. Salamone | | For | For | |
| | 15 | John R. Scannell | | For | For | |
| | 16 | David S. Scharfstein | | For | For | |
| | 17 | Herbert L. Washington | | For | For | |
Security | 26078J100 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | DWDP | | Meeting Date | 25-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US26078J1007 | | Agenda | 934741655 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Lamberto Andreotti | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: James A. Bell | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Edward D. Breen | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Robert A. Brown | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Alexander M. Cutler | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Jeff M. Fettig | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Marillyn A. Hewson | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Lois D. Juliber | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Andrew N. Liveris | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Raymond J. Milchovich | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Paul Polman | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Dennis H. Reilley | Management | For | For | |
1m. | Election of Director: James M. Ringler | Management | For | For | |
1n. | Election of Director: Ruth G. Shaw | Management | For | For | |
1o. | Election of Director: Lee M. Thomas | Management | For | For | |
1p. | Election of Director: Patrick J. Ward | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Resolution on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Executive Compensation | Management | 1 Year | For | |
4. | Ratification of the Appointment of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | For | For | |
5. | Elimination of Supermajority Voting Thresholds | Shareholder | For | Against | |
6. | Preparation of an Executive Compensation Report | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Preparation of a Report on Sustainability Metrics in Performance-based Pay | Shareholder | Against | For | |
8. | Preparation of a Report on Investment in India | Shareholder | Against | For | |
9. | Modification of Threshold for Calling Special Stockholder Meetings | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 882508104 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | TXN | | Meeting Date | 26-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US8825081040 | | Agenda | 934736957 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: R. W. Babb, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: M. A. Blinn | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: T. M. Bluedorn | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: D. A. Carp | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: J. F. Clark | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: C. S. Cox | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: B. T. Crutcher | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: J. M. Hobby | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: R. Kirk | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: P. H. Patsley | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: R. E. Sanchez | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: R. K. Templeton | Management | For | For | |
2. | Board proposal regarding advisory approval of the Company's executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Board proposal to approve the Texas Instruments 2018 Director Compensation Plan. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Board proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
Security | 478160104 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | JNJ | | Meeting Date | 26-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US4781601046 | | Agenda | 934737620 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Mary C. Beckerle | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: D. Scott Davis | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Ian E. L. Davis | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Jennifer A. Doudna | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Alex Gorsky | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Mark B. McClellan | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Anne M. Mulcahy | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: William D. Perez | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Charles Prince | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: A. Eugene Washington | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Ronald A. Williams | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2018 | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder Proposal - Accounting for Litigation and Compliance in Executive Compensation Performance Measures | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal - Amendment to Shareholder Ability to Call Special Shareholder Meeting | Shareholder | Against | For | |
AT&T INC. | |
Security | 00206R102 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | T | | Meeting Date | 27-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US00206R1023 | | Agenda | 934736236 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of Director: Randall L. Stephenson | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of Director: Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of Director: Richard W. Fisher | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of Director: Scott T. Ford | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of Director: Glenn H. Hutchins | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of Director: William E. Kennard | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of Director: Michael B. McCallister | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of Director: Beth E. Mooney | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of Director: Joyce M. Roche | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of Director: Matthew K. Rose | Management | For | For | |
1K. | Election of Director: Cynthia B. Taylor | Management | For | For | |
1L. | Election of Director: Laura D'Andrea Tyson | Management | For | For | |
1M. | Election of Director: Geoffrey Y. Yang | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of appointment of independent auditors. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory approval of executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Approve Stock Purchase and Deferral Plan. | Management | For | For | |
5. | Approve 2018 Incentive Plan. | Management | For | For | |
6. | Prepare lobbying report. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Modify proxy access requirements. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
8. | Independent Chair. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
9. | Reduce vote required for written consent. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 913017109 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | UTX | | Meeting Date | 30-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US9130171096 | | Agenda | 934741605 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Lloyd J. Austin III | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Diane M. Bryant | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: John V. Faraci | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Jean-Pierre Garnier | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Gregory J. Hayes | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Ellen J. Kullman | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Marshall O. Larsen | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Harold W. McGraw III | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Margaret L. O'Sullivan | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Fredric G. Reynolds | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Brian C. Rogers | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Christine Todd Whitman | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Approve the UTC 2018 Long-Term Incentive Plan. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Serve as Independent Auditor for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
5. | Approve an Amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Eliminate Supermajority Voting for Certain Business Combinations. | Management | For | For | |
6. | Shareowner Proposal: Reduce Threshold to Call Special Meetings from 25% to 10%. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 110122108 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | BMY | | Meeting Date | 01-May-2018 |
ISIN | US1101221083 | | Agenda | 934747354 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1A. | Election of Director: P. J. Arduini | Management | For | For | |
1B. | Election of Director: J. Baselga, M.D., Ph.D. | Management | For | For | |
1C. | Election of Director: R. J. Bertolini | Management | For | For | |
1D. | Election of Director: G. Caforio, M.D. | Management | For | For | |
1E. | Election of Director: M. W. Emmens | Management | For | For | |
1F. | Election of Director: M. Grobstein | Management | For | For | |
1G. | Election of Director: A. J. Lacy | Management | For | For | |
1H. | Election of Director: D. C. Paliwal | Management | For | For | |
1I. | Election of Director: T. R. Samuels | Management | For | For | |
1J. | Election of Director: G. L. Storch | Management | For | For | |
1K. | Election of Director: V. L. Sato, Ph.D. | Management | For | For | |
1L. | Election of Director: K. H. Vousden, Ph.D. | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our Named Executive Officers | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of the appointment of an independent registered public accounting firm | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder Proposal on Annual Report Disclosing How Risks Related to Public Concern Over Drug Pricing Strategies are Incorporated into Incentive Compensation Plans | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal to Lower the Share Ownership Threshold to Call Special Shareholder Meetings | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 713448108 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | PEP | | Meeting Date | 02-May-2018 |
ISIN | US7134481081 | | Agenda | 934743041 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Shona L. Brown | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: George W. Buckley | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Cesar Conde | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Ian M. Cook | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Dina Dublon | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Richard W. Fisher | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: William R. Johnson | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: David C. Page | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Robert C. Pohlad | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Daniel Vasella | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Darren Walker | Management | For | For | |
1m. | Election of Director: Alberto Weisser | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2018. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Special shareowner meeting improvement. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 92343V104 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | VZ | | Meeting Date | 03-May-2018 |
ISIN | US92343V1044 | | Agenda | 934744031 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Shellye L. Archambeau | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Mark T. Bertolini | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Richard L. Carrion | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Melanie L. Healey | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: M. Frances Keeth | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Lowell C. McAdam | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Clarence Otis, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Rodney E. Slater | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Kathryn A. Tesija | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Gregory D. Wasson | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Gregory G. Weaver | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation | Shareholder | For | For | |
4. | Special Shareowner Meetings | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Lobbying Activities Report | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Independent Chair | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Report on Cyber Security and Data Privacy | Shareholder | Against | For | |
8. | Executive Compensation Clawback Policy | Shareholder | Against | For | |
9. | Nonqualified Savings Plan Earnings | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 744320102 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | PRU | | Meeting Date | 08-May-2018 |
ISIN | US7443201022 | | Agenda | 934755490 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Thomas J. Baltimore, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Gilbert F. Casellas | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Mark B. Grier | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Martina Hund-Mejean | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Karl J. Krapek | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Peter R. Lighte | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: George Paz | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Sandra Pianalto | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Christine A. Poon | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Douglas A. Scovanner | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: John R. Strangfeld | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Michael A. Todman | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder proposal regarding an independent Board Chairman. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 25746U109 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | D | | Meeting Date | 09-May-2018 |
ISIN | US25746U1097 | | Agenda | 934755515 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: William P. Barr | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Helen E. Dragas | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: James O. Ellis, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Thomas F. Farrell, II | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: John W. Harris | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Ronald W. Jibson | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Mark J. Kington | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Joseph M. Rigby | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Pamela J. Royal, M.D. | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Robert H. Spilman, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Susan N. Story | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Michael E. Szymanczyk | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditor for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Vote on Approval of Executive Compensation [Say on Pay]. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Report on Methane Emissions. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Shareholder Right to Act by Written Consent. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 437076102 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | HD | | Meeting Date | 17-May-2018 |
ISIN | US4370761029 | | Agenda | 934760136 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Gerard J. Arpey | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Ari Bousbib | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Jeffery H. Boyd | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Gregory D. Brenneman | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: J. Frank Brown | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Albert P. Carey | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Armando Codina | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Helena B. Foulkes | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Linda R. Gooden | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Wayne M. Hewett | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Stephanie C. Linnartz | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Craig A. Menear | Management | For | For | |
1m. | Election of Director: Mark Vadon | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation ("Say-on-Pay") | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Semi-Annual Report on Political Contributions | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding EEO-1 Disclosure | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Shareholder Proposal to Reduce the Threshold to Call Special Shareholder Meetings to 10% of Outstanding Shares | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding Amendment of Compensation Clawback Policy | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 458140100 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | INTC | | Meeting Date | 17-May-2018 |
ISIN | US4581401001 | | Agenda | 934763613 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Aneel Bhusri | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Andy D. Bryant | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Reed E. Hundt | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Omar Ishrak | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Brian M. Krzanich | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Risa Lavizzo-Mourey | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Tsu-Jae King Liu | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Gregory D. Smith | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Andrew M. Wilson | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Frank D. Yeary | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of selection of Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2018 | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory vote to approve executive compensation | Management | For | For | |
4. | Stockholder proposal on whether to allow stockholders to act by written consent, if properly presented | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Stockholder proposal on whether the chairman of the board should be an independent director, if properly presented | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Stockholder proposal requesting a political contributions cost-benefit analysis report, if properly presented | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 571748102 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | MMC | | Meeting Date | 17-May-2018 |
ISIN | US5717481023 | | Agenda | 934766532 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Anthony K. Anderson | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Oscar Fanjul | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Daniel S. Glaser | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: H. Edward Hanway | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Deborah C. Hopkins | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Elaine La Roche | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Steven A. Mills | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Bruce P. Nolop | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Marc D. Oken | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Morton O. Schapiro | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Lloyd M. Yates | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: R. David Yost | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory (Nonbinding) Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of Selection of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | For | For | |
4. | Approval of Additional Shares for Two Stock Purchase Plans | Management | For | For | |
MERCK & CO., INC. | |
Security | 58933Y105 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | MRK | | Meeting Date | 22-May-2018 |
ISIN | US58933Y1055 | | Agenda | 934774262 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Leslie A. Brun | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Thomas R. Cech | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Pamela J. Craig | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Kenneth C. Frazier | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Thomas H. Glocer | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Rochelle B. Lazarus | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: John H. Noseworthy | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Paul B. Rothman | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Patricia F. Russo | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Craig B. Thompson | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Inge G. Thulin | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Wendell P. Weeks | Management | For | For | |
1m. | Election of Director: Peter C. Wendell | Management | For | For | |
2. | Non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of the appointment of the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder proposal concerning shareholders' right to act by written consent. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 09247X101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | BLK | | Meeting Date | 23-May-2018 |
ISIN | US09247X1019 | | Agenda | 934785493 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Mathis Cabiallavetta | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Pamela Daley | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: William S. Demchak | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Jessica P. Einhorn | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Laurence D. Fink | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: William E. Ford | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Fabrizio Freda | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Murry S. Gerber | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Margaret L. Johnson | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Robert S. Kapito | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Sir Deryck Maughan | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Cheryl D. Mills | Management | For | For | |
1m. | Election of Director: Gordon M. Nixon | Management | For | For | |
1n. | Election of Director: Charles H. Robbins | Management | For | For | |
1o. | Election of Director: Ivan G. Seidenberg | Management | For | For | |
1p. | Election of Director: Marco Antonio Slim Domit | Management | For | For | |
1q. | Election of Director: Susan L. Wagner | Management | For | For | |
1r. | Election of Director: Mark Wilson | Management | For | For | |
2. | Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation for named executive officers. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Approval of an Amendment to the BlackRock, Inc. Second Amended and Restated 1999 Stock Award and Incentive Plan. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte LLP as BlackRock's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year 2018. | Management | For | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal - Production of an Annual Report on Certain Trade Association and Lobbying Expenditures. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 580135101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | MCD | | Meeting Date | 24-May-2018 |
ISIN | US5801351017 | | Agenda | 934776963 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Lloyd Dean | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Stephen Easterbrook | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Robert Eckert | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Margaret Georgiadis | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Enrique Hernandez, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Jeanne Jackson | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Richard Lenny | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: John Mulligan | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Sheila Penrose | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: John Rogers, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Miles White | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory vote to approve executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory vote to approve the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditor for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal requesting the ability for shareholders to act by written consent, if properly presented. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal requesting a report on plastic straws, if properly presented. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal requesting a report on charitable contributions, if properly presented. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 30231G102 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | XOM | | Meeting Date | 30-May-2018 |
ISIN | US30231G1022 | | Agenda | 934785784 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Susan K. Avery | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Angela F. Braly | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Ursula M. Burns | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Kenneth C. Frazier | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Steven A. Kandarian | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Douglas R. Oberhelman | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Samuel J. Palmisano | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Steven S Reinemund | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: William C. Weldon | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Darren W. Woods | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of Independent Auditors (page 25) | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation (page 26) | Management | For | For | |
4. | Independent Chairman (page 54) | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Special Shareholder Meetings (page 55) | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Board Diversity Matrix (page 56) | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Report on Lobbying (page 58) | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 166764100 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | CVX | | Meeting Date | 30-May-2018 |
ISIN | US1667641005 | | Agenda | 934787308 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: W.M. Austin | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: J.B. Frank | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: A.P. Gast | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: E. Hernandez, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: C.W. Moorman IV | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: D.F. Moyo | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: R.D. Sugar | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: I.G. Thulin | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: D.J. Umpleby III | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: M.K. Wirth | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of Appointment of PWC as Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | For | For | |
4. | Report on Lobbying | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Report on Feasibility of Policy on Not Doing Business With Conflict Complicit Governments | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Report on Transition to a Low Carbon Business Model | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | Report on Methane Emissions | Shareholder | Against | For | |
8. | Adopt Policy on Independent Chairman | Shareholder | Against | For | |
9. | Recommend Independent Director with Environmental Expertise | Shareholder | Against | For | |
10. | Set Special Meetings Threshold at 10% | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 931142103 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | WMT | | Meeting Date | 30-May-2018 |
ISIN | US9311421039 | | Agenda | 934793072 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Stephen J. Easterbrook | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Timothy P. Flynn | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Sarah J. Friar | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Carla A. Harris | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Thomas W. Horton | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Marissa A. Mayer | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: C. Douglas McMillon | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Gregory B. Penner | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Steven S Reinemund | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: S. Robson Walton | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Steuart L. Walton | Management | For | For | |
2. | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as Independent Accountants | Management | For | For | |
4. | Request to Adopt an Independent Chair Policy | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Request for Report on Racial or Ethnic Pay Gaps | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 149123101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | CAT | | Meeting Date | 13-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US1491231015 | | Agenda | 934810715 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Kelly A. Ayotte | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: David L. Calhoun | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Daniel M. Dickinson | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Juan Gallardo | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: Dennis A. Muilenburg | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: William A. Osborn | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Debra L. Reed | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: Edward B. Rust, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Susan C. Schwab | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: D. James Umpleby III | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Miles D. White | Management | For | For | |
1l. | Election of Director: Rayford Wilkins, Jr. | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratify the appointment of independent registered public accounting firm for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Advisory vote to approve executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Shareholder Proposal - Decrease percent of ownership required to call special shareholder meeting. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
5. | Shareholder Proposal - Amend the Company's compensation clawback policy. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
6. | Shareholder Proposal - Require human rights qualifications for director nominees. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Security | 501044101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | KR | | Meeting Date | 28-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US5010441013 | | Agenda | 934823813 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1a. | Election of Director: Nora A. Aufreiter | Management | For | For | |
1b. | Election of Director: Robert D. Beyer | Management | For | For | |
1c. | Election of Director: Anne Gates | Management | For | For | |
1d. | Election of Director: Susan J. Kropf | Management | For | For | |
1e. | Election of Director: W. Rodney McMullen | Management | For | For | |
1f. | Election of Director: Jorge P. Montoya | Management | For | For | |
1g. | Election of Director: Clyde R. Moore | Management | For | For | |
1h. | Election of Director: James A. Runde | Management | For | For | |
1i. | Election of Director: Ronald L. Sargent | Management | For | For | |
1j. | Election of Director: Bobby S. Shackouls | Management | For | For | |
1k. | Election of Director: Mark S. Sutton | Management | For | For | |
2. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of Kroger's executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Approval of an amendment to Kroger's Regulations to adopt proxy access. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Approval of an amendment to Kroger's Regulations to permit Board amendments in accordance with Ohio law. | Management | For | For | |
5. | Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, as auditors. | Management | For | For | |
6. | A shareholder proposal, if properly presented, to issue a report assessing the environmental impacts of using unrecyclable packaging for private label brands. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
7. | A shareholder proposal, if properly presented, to issue a report assessing the climate benefits and feasibility of adopting enterprise-wide, quantitative, time bound targets for increasing renewable energy sourcing. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
8. | A shareholder proposal, if properly presented, to adopt a policy and amend the bylaws as necessary to require the Chair of the Board to be independent. | Shareholder | Against | For | |
Investment Company Report |
Security | 693483109 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | PKX | | Meeting Date | 09-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US6934831099 | | Agenda | 934730171 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | Approval of the 50th FY Financial Statements | Management | For | For | |
2.1 | Partial Amendments to Articles of Incorporation: Purpose of the Company Business | Management | For | For | |
2.2 | Partial Amendments to Articles of Incorporation: Number of the Directors | Management | For | For | |
2.3 | Partial Amendments to Articles of Incorporation: Reorganization of Special Committees | Management | For | For | |
3.1 | Election of Inside Director: Oh, In-Hwan | Management | For | For | |
3.2 | Election of Inside Director: Chang, In-Hwa | Management | For | For | |
3.3 | Election of Inside Director: Yu, Seong | Management | For | For | |
3.4 | Election of Inside Director: Chon, Jung-Son | Management | For | For | |
4.1 | Election of Outside Director: Kim, Sung-Jin | Management | For | For | |
4.2 | Election of Outside Director: Kim, Joo-Hyun | Management | For | For | |
4.3 | Election of Outside Director: Park, Kyung-Suh | Management | For | For | |
4.4 | Election of Outside Director: Bahk, Byong-Won | Management | For | For | |
5. | Election of Audit Committee Member: Bahk, Byong-Won | Management | For | For | |
6. | Approval of Limit of Total Remuneration for Directors | Management | For | For | |
Security | 059460303 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | BBD | | Meeting Date | 12-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US0594603039 | | Agenda | 934729510 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
5A | Election of the fiscal council: Luiz Carlos de Freitas (effective) and Joao Sabino (alternate) | Management | For | For | |
5B | Election of the fiscal council: Walter Luis Bernardes Albertoni (effective) and Reginaldo Ferreira Alexandre (alternate) | Management | Abstain | | |
5C | Election of the fiscal council: Luiz Alberto de Castro Falleiros (effective) and Eduardo Georges Chehab (alternate) | Management | For | For | |
Security | 48268K101 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | KT | | Meeting Date | 23-Mar-2018 |
ISIN | US48268K1016 | | Agenda | 934737567 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | Approval of Financial Statements for the 36th Fiscal Year | Management | For | | |
2.1 | Amendment of Articles of Incorporation: Amendment of Purpose | Management | For | | |
2.2 | Amendment of Articles of Incorporation: Amendment of Corporate Governance | Management | For | | |
3.1 | Election of Director: Mr. Hyeon Mo Ku (Inside Director Candidate) | Management | For | | |
3.2 | Election of Director: Mr. Seong Mok Oh (Inside Director Candidate) | Management | For | | |
3.3 | Election of Director: Mr. Suk-Gwon Chang (Outside Director Candidate) | Management | For | | |
3.4 | Election of Director: Mr. Kim, Dae-you (Outside Director Candidate) | Management | For | | |
3.5 | Election of Director: Mr. Lee, Gang-cheol (Outside Director Candidate) | Management | For | | |
4.1 | Election of Member of Audit Committee: Mr. Suk-Gwon Chang | Management | For | | |
4.2 | Election of Member of Audit Committee: Mr. Il Im | Management | For | | |
5. | Approval of Limit on Remuneration of Directors | Management | For | | |
Security | 02364W105 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | AMX | | Meeting Date | 16-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US02364W1053 | | Agenda | 934765845 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
I | Appointment or, as the case may be, reelection of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company that the holders of the Series "L" shares are entitled to appoint. Adoption of resolutions thereon. | Management | Abstain | | |
II | Appointment of delegates to execute, and if, applicable, formalize the resolutions adopted by the meeting. Adoption of resolutions thereon. | Management | Abstain | | |
Security | 02364W105 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | AMX | | Meeting Date | 16-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US02364W1053 | | Agenda | 934776002 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
I | Appointment or, as the case may be, reelection of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company that the holders of the Series "L" shares are entitled to appoint. Adoption of resolutions thereon. | Management | Abstain | | |
II | Appointment of delegates to execute, and if, applicable, formalize the resolutions adopted by the meeting. Adoption of resolutions thereon. | Management | Abstain | | |
Security | 88706P205 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | TSU | | Meeting Date | 19-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US88706P2056 | | Agenda | 934767748 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | To resolve on the management report and the financial statements of the Company, dated as of December 31st, 2017 | Management | For | For | |
2. | To resolve on the management's proposal for the allocation of the results related to the fiscal year of 2017, and on the dividend distribution by the Company | Management | For | For | |
3. | To confirm the appointment of the member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Mario Di Mauro, held on the Board of Directors' meeting held on November 29, 2017, pursuant to article 150 of Law Nr. 6,404 / 1976 and article 20, Paragraph 2, of the Company's Bylaws Company | Management | For | For | |
4. | To confirm the appointment of the member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Joao Cox Neto, held on the Board of Directors meeting held on March 16, 2018, pursuant to article 150 of Law Nr. 6,404 / 1976 and article 20, Paragraph 2, of the Company's Bylaws Company | Management | For | For | |
5. | To confirm the appointment of the member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Celso Luis Loducca held on the Board of Directors meeting held on March 16, 2018, pursuant to article 150 of Law Nr. 6,404 / 1976 and article 20, Paragraph 2, of the Company's Bylaws Company | Management | For | For | |
6. | To confirm the appointment of the member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Piergiorgio Peluso, held on the Board of Directors Meeting held on March 16 of 2018, pursuant to article 150 of Law Nr. 6,404 / 1976 and article 20, Paragraph 2, of the Company's Bylaws Company | Management | For | For | |
7. | To elect as new member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Agostino Nuzzolo, replacing one of the board members who resigned on March 16, 2018, as disclosed in the Material Fact of the Company of the same date | Management | For | For | |
8. | To elect as new member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Raimondo Zizza, replacing one of the board members who resigned on March 16, 2018, as disclosed in the Material Fact of the Company of the same date | Management | For | For | |
9. | To elect as new member of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Giovanni Ferigo, replacing one of the board members who resigned on March 16, 2018, as disclosed in the Material Fact of the Company of the same date | Management | For | For | |
10. | To resolve on the composition of the Company's Fiscal Council with 3 regular members and 3 alternate members | Management | For | For | |
11. | Approval of all names that make up the single group of candidates: Single group of candidates: Walmir Kesseli / Oswaldo Orsolin; Josino de Almeida Fonseca/Joao Verner Juenemann; Jarbas Tadeu Barsanti Ribeiro / Anna Maria Cerentini Gouvea Guimaraes. | Management | For | For | |
12. | If one of the candidates left the single group to accommodate the election in a separate manner referred in article 161, paragraph 4, and article 240 of Law Nr. 6,404/76, the votes corresponding to your shares can still be given to the chosen group? | Management | For | For | |
13. | To resolve on the compensation proposal for the Company's administrators, the members of the Committees and the members of the Fiscal Council, for the fiscal year of 2018 | Management | For | For | |
E1. | To resolve on the proposal for the extension of the Cooperation and Support Agreement, through the execution of the 11th amendment to this agreement, to be entered into between Telecom Italia S.p.A., on the one hand, and the Company and its controlled companies, TIM Celular S.A. ("TCEL") and TIM S.A., on the other hand | Management | For | For | |
E2. | To resolve on the proposal of the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plan | Management | For | For | |
Security | 84265V105 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | SCCO | | Meeting Date | 26-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US84265V1052 | | Agenda | 934766645 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | German L. Mota-Velasco | | For | For | |
| | 2 | Oscar Gonzalez Rocha | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Vicente A. Andreve | | For | For | |
| | 4 | Alfredo Casar Perez | | For | For | |
| | 5 | Enrique C. S. Mejorada | | For | For | |
| | 6 | Xavier G. de Q. Topete | | For | For | |
| | 7 | Rafael Mac G. Anciola | | For | For | |
| | 8 | Daniel M. Quintanilla | | For | For | |
| | 9 | Luis M. P. Bonilla | | For | For | |
| | 10 | Gilberto P. Cifuentes | | Withheld | Against | |
| | 11 | Carlos Ruiz Sacristan | | For | For | |
2. | Approve amendments to the Company's Directors' Stock Award Plan and to extend the term of the plan for five years. | Management | For | For | |
3. | Ratify the Audit Committee's selection of Galaz,Yamazaki, Ruiz Urquiza S.C., a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, as our independent accountants for 2018. | Management | For | For | |
4. | Approve by, non-binding vote, executive compensation. | Management | For | For | |
AMBEV S.A. | |
Security | 02319V103 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | ABEV | | Meeting Date | 27-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US02319V1035 | | Agenda | 934784047 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | Analysis of the management accounts, with examination, discussion and voting on the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. | Management | For | For | |
2. | Allocation of the net profits for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 and ratification of the payment of interest on own capital and dividends related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2017, approved by the Board of Directors at meetings held on May 16, 2017, December 1st, 2017 and December 21, 2017. | Management | For | For | |
3a. | Election of the members of the Company's Fiscal Council and their respective alternates for a term in office until the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in 2019: James Terence Coulter Wright, Jose Ronaldo Vilela Rezende, Emanuel Sotelino Schifferle (alternate), Ary Waddington (alternate). Mark 'For' either 3A OR 3B. Marking 'For' both proposals will deem your vote invalid | Management | Abstain | | |
3b. | Election of the members of the Company's Fiscal Council and their respective alternates for a term in office until the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in 2019: Candidates nominated by minority shareholders: Caixa de Previdencia dos Funcionarios do Banco do Brasil - PREVI: Aldo Luiz Mendes, Vinicius Balbino Bouhid (alternate). Mark 'For' either 3A OR 3B. Marking 'For' both proposals will deem your vote invalid | Management | Abstain | | |
4a. | Determine managers' overall compensation for the year of 2018, in the annual amount of up to R$ 83,292,928.00, including expenses related to the recognition of the fair amount of (x) the stock options that the Company intends to grant in the year, and (y) the compensation based on shares that the Company intends to realize in the year. | Management | For | For | |
4b. | Determine the overall compensation of the Fiscal Council's members for the year of 2018, in the annual amount of up to R$ 2,041,187.00, with alternate members' compensation corresponding to half of the amount received by the sitting members, in accordance with the Management's Proposal. | Management | For | For | |
E1. | Examination, discussion and approval of the terms and conditions of the "Protocol and Justification of the Partial Spin-off of Arosuco Aromas e Sucos Ltda. ("Arosuco") with the Merger of the Spun-off Portion into Ambev S.A." entered into by the quotaholders of Arosuco, and the managers of the Company (the "Reorganization"). | Management | For | For | |
E2. | Ratification of the engagement of the specialized firm Apsis Consultoria e Avaliações Ltda. (CNPJ/MF No. 08.681.365/0001-30) to prepare the valuation report of the spun-off portion of Arosuco at book value ("Valuation Report"). | Management | For | For | |
E3. | Approval of the Valuation Report. | Management | For | For | |
E4. | Approval of the Reorganization. | Management | For | For | |
E5. | Authorization to the Company's managers to perform all acts necessary for the implementation of the Reorganization. | Management | For | For | |
Security | 715684106 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | TLK | | Meeting Date | 27-Apr-2018 |
ISIN | US7156841063 | | Agenda | 934786243 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | Approval of the Company's Annual Report for the 2017 financial year, including the Board of Commissioners' Supervisory Report | Management | For | For | |
2. | Ratification of the Company's financial statements, and ...(Due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | For | |
3. | Appropriation of the Company's net income for financial year 2017 | Management | For | For | |
4. | Determination of tantiem for financial year 2017 and salary, honorarium and other allowance for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioner for year 2018 | Management | For | For | |
5. | Appointment of a Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company's ...(Due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | For | |
6. | Approval on the Transfer of Treasury Shares through Withdrawal by way of Capital Reduction | Management | For | For | |
7. | Amendment of Company's Article of Association | Management | For | For | |
8. | Ratification of Minister of State-Owned Enterprise Regulation Number PER-03/MBU/08/2017 and Number PER-04/MBU/09/2017 about State-Owned Enterprises Partnership Guidance (TBC) | Management | For | For | |
9. | Changes in Composition of The Board of The Company | Management | For | For | |
Security | 38500P208 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | GRAM | | Meeting Date | 14-May-2018 |
ISIN | US38500P2083 | | Agenda | 934817719 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | Progress in External Audit and Appointment of External Auditors for the Fiscal Year 2015 | Management | For | For | |
Security | 16941R108 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | SNP | | Meeting Date | 15-May-2018 |
ISIN | US16941R1086 | | Agenda | 934797905 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1 | To consider and approve the Report of the Sixth Session of the ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
2 | To consider and approve the Report of the Sixth Session of the ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
3 | To consider and approve the audited financial reports and ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
4 | To consider and approve the profit distribution plan for the year ended 31 December 2017. | Management | For | | |
5 | To authorise the Board to determine the interim profit distribution plan of Sinopec Corp. for the year 2018. | Management | For | | |
6 | To consider and approve the re-appointment of ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
7 | To consider and approve service contracts between Sinopec Corp. ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
S8 | To approve the proposed amendments to the articles of ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
S9 | To approve the proposed amendments to the the rules and ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | For | | |
10 | To consider and approve the establishment of the board committee under the Board of Sinopec Corp. | Management | For | | |
S11 | To authorise the Board to determine the proposed plan for issuance of debt financing instrument(s). | Management | For | | |
S12 | To grant to the Board a general mandate to issue new domestic shares and/or overseas-listed foreign shares of Sinopec Corp. | Management | For | | |
13 | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | Dai Houliang(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 2 | Li Yunpeng(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Jiao Fangzheng(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 4 | Ma Yongsheng(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 5 | Ling Yiqun(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 6 | Liu Zhongyun(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 7 | Li Yong(Dir Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 8 | Tang Min(Indp Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 9 | Fan Gang(Indp Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 10 | Cai Hongbin(Indp Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 11 | Ng, Kar L.J.(Indp Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 12 | Zhao Dong(Surv Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 13 | J. Zhenying(Surv Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 14 | Y. Changjiang(Surv Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 15 | Zhang Baolong(Surv Nom) | | For | For | |
| | 16 | Zou Huiping(Surv Nom) | | For | For | |
Security | 71646E100 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | PTR | | Meeting Date | 05-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US71646E1001 | | Agenda | 934820689 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | To consider and approve the Report of the Board of Directors of the Company for the year 2017. | Management | For | For | |
2. | To consider and approve the Report of the Supervisory Committee of the Company for the year 2017. | Management | For | For | |
3. | To consider and approve the Financial Report of the Company for the year 2017. | Management | For | For | |
4. | To consider and approve the declaration and payment of the final dividends for the year ended 31 December 2017 in the amount and in the manner recommended by the Board of Directors. | Management | For | For | |
5. | To consider and approve the authorisation of the Board of Directors to determine the distribution of interim dividends for the year 2018. | Management | For | For | |
6. | To consider and approve the appointment of KPMG Huazhen and KPMG, as the domestic and international auditors of the Company, respectively, for the year 2018 and to authorise the Board of Directors to determine their remuneration. | Management | For | For | |
7. | To consider and approve the guarantees to be provided to the subsidiaries of the Company and relevant authorization to the Board of Directors. | Management | For | For | |
8. | To consider and approve, by way of special resolution, to grant a general mandate to the Board of Directors to issue and deal with domestic shares (A Shares) and/or overseas listed foreign shares (H Shares) of the Company of not more than 20% of each of its existing domestic shares (A Shares) or overseas listed foreign shares (H Shares) of the Company in issue as at the date of proposal and passing of this resolution at the 2017 Annual General Meeting and determine the terms and conditions of such issue. | Management | For | For | |
Security | 874039100 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | TSM | | Meeting Date | 05-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US8740391003 | | Agenda | 934822645 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1) | To accept 2017 Business Report and Financial Statements | Management | For | For | |
2) | To approve the proposal for distribution of 2017 earnings | Management | For | For | |
3) | To revise the Articles of Incorporation | Management | For | For | |
4) | DIRECTOR | Management | | | |
| | 1 | F.C. Tseng* | | For | For | |
| | 2 | Mei-ling Chen* | | For | For | |
| | 3 | Mark Liu* | | For | For | |
| | 4 | C.C. Wei* | | For | For | |
| | 5 | Sir Peter L. Bonfield# | | For | For | |
| | 6 | Stan Shih# | | For | For | |
| | 7 | Thomas J. Engibous# | | For | For | |
| | 8 | Kok-Choo Chen# | | For | For | |
| | 9 | Michael R. Splinter# | | For | For | |
Security | 82935M109 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | SHI | | Meeting Date | 13-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US82935M1099 | | Agenda | 934829726 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
1. | To consider and approve the 2017 Work Report of the Board of Directors of the Company | Management | For | For | |
2. | To consider and approve the 2017 Work Report of the Supervisory Committee of the Company | Management | For | For | |
3. | To consider and approve the 2017 Audited Financial Statements of the Company | Management | For | For | |
4. | To consider and approve the 2017 Profit Distribution Plan of the Company | Management | For | For | |
5. | To consider and approve the 2018 Financial Budget Report of the Company | Management | For | For | |
6. | To consider and approve the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP (Special General Partnership) and PricewaterhouseCoopers as the domestic and international auditors, respectively, of the Company for the year 2018 and to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration | Management | For | For | |
7. | To elect Mr. Jin Wenmin as non-independent director of the Ninth Session of the Board of Directors of the Company | Management | For | For | |
Security | 20441B407 | | Meeting Type | Annual |
Ticker Symbol | ELP | | Meeting Date | 15-Jun-2018 |
ISIN | US20441B4077 | | Agenda | 934816212 - Management |
| | | | | | | | |
Item | Proposal | Proposed by | Vote | For/Against Management | |
3. | Election of the members of the Fiscal Council due to end of term of office: One member and his respective alternate appointed by the holders of preferred shares - the election is carried out separately (controlling shareholders may not vote), and only the holders of preferred shares are entitled to vote. The candidate elected shall be the one who obtains the highest representative percentage of the capital stock of the Company, with no minimum limit. | Management | For | For | |
The Cutler Fixed Income Fund held no securities entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders during the reporting period (July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018).
Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.