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2.2 | It has completed all procedures (including procedures for obtaining the requisite approvals, business license and power business permits, etc., from the government) necessary for the execution and performance of this Agreement, which are legal and effective. |
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2.3 | As of the date of execution of this Agreement, no judgment, award, decision or any specific administrative action, which may have material adverse effects on the ability to perform this Agreement, has been declared or taken by any court, arbitration organ, administrative authorities or regulatory agencies. |
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2.4 | It has completed all procedures for obtaining the internal authorizations necessary for the valid execution of this Agreement. The signatory of this Agreement shall be its legal representative or entrusted agent. Once this Agreement comes into force, it shall have legal binding effect on both Parties. |
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3 | Obligations of Each Party |
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3.1 | Party A’s obligations shall include: |
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| 3.1.1 abiding by the national laws and regulations, national standards and industrial standards, for purpose of the safety of the power system and operating in an efficient and economical manner, based on the technical features of the Power Plant, in accordance with the regulations and codes of Yunnan electric system, and based on the principles of equality, voluntariness and good faith, to carry out the centralized dispatch of the Power Plant; |
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| 3.1.2 being responsible for the operation management, repair and maintenance, and technical transformation of the relevant equipments and facilities of the Grid it belongs to, in order to meet the ordinary operation need of the Power Plant. |
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| 3.1.3 as agreed by the Power Purchase and Sale Contract, and based on the actual operation of the Grid, preparing and providing in a timely manner to Party B the monthly power generation schedule, Daily Generation Dispatch Schedule Curve and the reactive power output curve (or voltage curve). |
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| 3.1.4 making reasonable arrangements of the maintenance of the equipments of the Power Plant. |
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| 3.1.5 supporting and cooperating with Party B to carry out the technical transformation or factor adjustment on the relevant equipments; instructing and coordinating the dispatch and operation management related with the Grid by Party B; supervising, instructing and coordinating the relevant profession and business such as the electric equipment, measures on coordination of the generators and the Grid (including security automatic device, excitation system, speed control system, minimum output of a unit, leading phase operation capacity, primary frequency regulation, high frequency generator tripping as well as PPS, OPC, AGC and AVC etc.), power quality, reactive power, relay protection, electric energy metering system, power dispatching communication and dispatching automation etc. in the operation of Party B which matters the safe and stable operation of the Grid, and also providing necessary technical support. |
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| 3.1.6 in accordance with the relevant regulations, reporting in a timely manner to Party B the information of the major defects of the equipments in the Grid which is related with Party B, and the capacity of the passageway of power transmission, and disclosing regularly the power dispatching information related with Party B. |
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| 3.1.7 based on the demand of the operation of power system and the features of the equipments of Party B, amending in a timely manner the relevant rules and regulations according to proper procedures. |
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| 3.1.8 taking measures to prevent the accident which may affect the safe operation of the power system; carrying out regularly various specific and professional inspections which matters the safety of the Grid, devising the anti-failure measures as required, and formulating the plan for |