10.3.5 | Daily Report of Reservoir Dispatching. The power plant shall report the reservoir water levels of lower and upper reaches at 8:00 am, the reservoir inflow quantity at 8:00 am, the discharge quantity at 8:00 am of the current day, as well as the reservoir inflow, the power discharge quantity, the discharge quantity, the reservoir outflow quantity, the mean rainfall of the drainage area, and the electricity loss from peak-shaving abandoned water of the previous date to the Local Dispatching, by 9:00 am of the current day. |
10.3.6 | The monthly dispatching report for reservoir. The Power Plant shall, before the 3rd day of each month, correctly fill in the monthly dispatching report and send such report by facsimile or e-mail, or send the original by mail to the dispatching center, the main content for which shall include given monthly and the yearly aggregated active and reactive actual power generation output (ten thousand kwh), the assessment power generation output (ten thousand kwh), the maximum daily power generation output (ten thousand kwh), the maximum output (Mw), the minimum output (Mw), the monthly average maximum output (Mw), the monthly average minimum output (Mw), the term end installed capacity (Mw), the power generation dispatching plan (ten thousand kwh), the term end adjustable output (Mw), the installed utilization hour (h), the plant’s utilizing electricity volume (ten thousand kwh), the total reservoir water inflow (ten thousand m3), the average reservoir water inflow (m3/s), the drainage rainfall (mm), the maximum rainfall (mm)/date, the maximum reservoir water inflow (m3/s)/date, the minimum reservoir water inflow (m3/s)/date, the maximum water discharge (m3/s)/date, the rain days (day), the water discard water days (day), the aggregated water consumption volume (ten thousand m3), the power generation water consumption volume (ten thousand m3), the discharging water volume (ten thousand m3), shipping and log water volume (ten thousand m3), other lost water volume (ten thousand m3), the average water head (m), the checking water head (m), the highest water level (m)/date, the lowest water level (m)/date, the month-end actual water level (m), the month-end checking water level (m), the month-end adjustable water volume (ten thousand m3), the month-end stored energy (ten thousand kwh), the water consumption rate (m3/kwh), the water utilization ratio (%), the water head proportion, the water discarding period power generation load ratio (%), the accuracy rate for load estimation (%), the value of composite factor K, the energy-saving electricity volume (ten thousand kwh), the total water saving volume (ten thousand m3), the lost electricity volume due to water discarding (ten thousand kwh), the average reservoir water inflow for the beginning, middle and end of each month (m3/s),etc |