Implied Perpetuity Growth Rate 4.3% 5.3% 6.0% 5.2% 6.3% 7.0% 6.2% 7.3% 8.0% PV of Unlevered FCFs Adj. for Dilution (H2'FY25E - FY29E) (1)(2) $2,304 $2,304 $2,304 $2,259 $2,259 $2,259 $2,214 $2,214 $2,214 PV of Terminal Value Adj. for Dilution (FY30E & Beyond) (1)(2) .15..ill li2.ll .11.2il .li..ill .11.222 % of EnterpriseValue in Terminal Value 84% 87% 89% 84% 87% 89% 84% 87% 89% Implied Enterprise Value $14,765 $17,880 $20,995 $14,219 $17,210 $20,200 $13,700 $16,571 $19,443 Less: Debt (3) (807) (807) (807) (807) (807) (807) (807) (807) (807) Plus: Cash (3) 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 Less: PV of D1Ls (FY30E & Beyond) (1) Implied Equity Value $13,978 $17,093 $20,208 $13,441 $16,431 $19,421 .o..m $12,929 .o..m $15,801 .o..m $18,672 Implied Price Per Share (4) $218.45 $266.81 $315.16 $210.11 $256.53 $302.95 $202.16 $246.74 $291.31 $ Premium/ (Discount) to Standalone DCF $2.88 $6.19 $9.50 $2.31 $5.48 $8.66 $1.76 $4.81 $1.86 % Premium/ (Discount) to Standalone DCF 1% 2% 3% 1% 2% 3% 1% 2% 3% Highly Preliminary - DRAFT Illustrative Alpha Discounted Cash Flow Analysis: PF For Illustrative Target (Qatalyst) Summary of Discounted Cash Flow Assumptions Unlevered free cash flow projections and terminal value discounted to December31, 2024 using mid-period convention Excludesthe impact of stock-based compensation, amortization of intangibles, non-recurring expenses, and other non-cash items in unlevered free cash flow Weighted average cost of capital range of 9.5% to 11.5% Terminal value based on NTM UFCF multiple range of 20.0x to 30.0x and terminalyear (FY30E) UFCF of$956MM Assumes current shareholders incur ~2% cumulative dilution through issuance of equity mvards overthe projected period, perAlpha Management Assumes $800M purchasepricefinanced with ne111 debt forillustrative target , , , Present Value as of December 31, 2024 Discount Rate: 9.5% 10.5% 11.5% --------------- --------------- 20.0x 25.0x 30.0x 20.0x 25.0x 30.0x Tenninal NTM UFCF Multiple: 20.0x 25.0x 30.0x Nok: Pmt111 FtllNt.s tJS tf D«t111kr J1, 2024» tlSSJIJlli•g lllid-p,riod ((JJ1W111NJn. UNtfJtnd Frtt C(I.Jb FltJw,OM Tt1111iM1 Vab« odjiattd tht CTU!lk.htM (J) di/Ja;o11 • amt11r shart.bollkn bl taeh rr.iptCfn'tJtttr,and :Im,diJ<tJNllkdrop1tSt111•·alkt tJS tf Dttmkr J1, 2024. Ammus amtllf shtntM!ders i1miT ~2% Alpha /,at,,,,,, sbm Sf4Jisriap,rAlpha 10-Qfonii,p,ri<Nlnd,d S,ptrmbtr JO, 2024, C.,I,a,ff,ar,d forJ49M "'l"is#i4• ,f Ott.. CJ;,( ilK/xJi,,g J9M C(I.Jhix)/dll(Xir, t:"<Ptcrtd I# it paid;,, FY26. Alpha""""'" sham ,,m,..,Jb,l as,fOcmrJO, 2024 pn Alpha 10-Qf•rth, p,ri,J md,d S,pt011kr JO, 2024, RSUs, PSUs, a#d ,pri,,s as C-t_ataly:st PARTNERS 3 (4) ...,,,/ dilli1iln thro"!J,issxaMt '!{,q,,;;,a,,:mls .,,,,th,p,if«ttdp,ri,d, p,rAlphaMa.ago,,n,t. {1) Alpha Ma""l'"""' Ph• pm;d,d 4ha ,\famrJ!,m.r as,fDmm/,,r2024, {2) 1/barr,ri,,TaTJl'rp'o/Kfrd ftM#dals p,,,idtd Alpha ,.,as ,fN..,,,,bt,2024, tf N01,1t111/ltr22, 2024 po Af'.ba J\fmmgt111t11t. FNl!J-dilldtd shartscaladakd mi•g manny sr«k111ttbod. CONFIDENTIAL I DRAFI